Welcome, Dr. Chad Hanson

Dr. Hanson will be joining The Orthopaedic Center August 21, 2017 focusing on athletes and weekend warriors. He was a team physician for Tulsa Public Schools from 2011-2014 as well as on the ACR Tulsa rodeo medical staff and a volunteer physician for Tulsa Tough cycling in 2013. Dr. Hanson was the team physician for Alabama State College football in 2016.

Dr. Chad Hanson’s Prior Orthopaedic Experiences

He completed an orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship at American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL, training with founder, Larry Lemak, MD. Dr. Lemak was instrumental in bringing Olympic soccer to Alabama and serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Major League Soccer. He founded the Alabama Sports Foundation and the National Center for Sports Safety, which attempts to decrease the number and severity of injuries to youth athletes.

Dr. Hanson will be an invaluable asset to TOC”s team of sports medicine surgeons. If you’ve sprained, strained, torn or broken it, Dr. Hanson can fix it!

Dr. Hanson will be opening a clinic at Bristow Medical Center Thursday, September 7, 2017 focusing on athletes and weekend warriors. He was a team physician for Tulsa Public Schools from 2011-2014 as well as on the ACR Tulsa rodeo medical staff and a volunteer physician for Tulsa Tough cycling in 2013. Dr. Hanson was the team physician for Alabama State College football in 2016.

He completed his orthopaedic residency at Oklahoma State in Tulsa and an orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship at American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL, training with founder, Larry Lemak, MD. Dr. Lemak was instrumental in bringing Olympic soccer to Alabama and serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Major League Soccer. Dr. Hanson will be an invaluable asset to Bristow Medical Center’s team.

If you’ve sprained, strained, torn or broken it, Dr. Hanson can fix it!

“I’m committed to getting my patients back to doing what they love, whether they’re a D1 athlete or a weekend warrior, I’ll work with you on an individualized treatment plan to help you recover quickly but safely.” – Dr. Hanson For more information call (918)-582-6800 or check out our Facebook page

“I’m committed to getting my patients back to doing what they love, whether they’re a D1 athlete or a weekend warrior, I’ll work with you on an individualized treatment plan to help you recover quickly but safely.” – Dr. Hanson


Schedule Your Appointment

To request your appointment please email us at tocschedulers@toctulsa.com, call us at 918-582-6800 or fill out the form. If you choose to fill out this form, please allow 2-3 business days for a response from our team. Thank you!


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