Super Foods to Boost Bone Health

What you eat directly affects your bones. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are best for overall bone health. But which foods should you eat to help promote healthy bones? To follow are some of the best foods you can eat to help boost your bone health:

  • Dairy

It should come as no surprise that one of the best things for your bones is milk, particularly low-fat or skim. Milk is packed with calcium, and the same goes for yogurt and cheese. Three servings of dairy each day can provide you with the nutrients your body needs for strong bones.

  • Fish

Cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are rich in vitamin D, which helps the body absorb and process calcium. Egg yolks, tuna and mushrooms are also packed with vitamin D. Aim to eat a variety of vitamin D-rich foods each day.

  • Fortified Foods

Many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients are also often added to certain brands of juices, snacks, breads, soy milk and rice milk.

  • Nuts

Almonds, in particular, contribute greatly to bone health because they’re full of calcium, magnesium and protein, which help keep bones strong. Pistachios and sunflower seeds also support healthy bones. It’s a good idea to munch on a handful of nuts (or about 23 nuts) per day.

  • Fruits

Oranges, bananas, plantains and prunes contain potassium, a mineral that is thought to neutralize acids that remove calcium from the body and boost bone health. Other fruits that promote healthy bones include strawberries, grapefruit, papaya and pineapple, which contain vitamin C.

  • Vegetables

Potassium is also found in potatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes. To up your vitamin C intake, eat more red peppers, broccoli and Brussel sprouts. And to add more Calcium to your diet, aim for collard greens, kale, okra and broccoli.
Eating a well-balanced diet will help ensure that you get enough nutrients you need each day to boost bone health.

To learn more about maintaining healthy bones, please contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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