Value Based Incentive Program

We at the Orthopaedic Center are proud to announce we have been selected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the Value Based Care demonstration providing care in the following surgeries:

  • Hip replacement
  • Knee replacement
  • Other lower extremity joint replacement or revisions

Hillcrest is one of only 5 medical centers selected for this incentive program. The Orthopaedic Center worked closely with Hillcrest to ensure our patients will be receiving the highest level of care.

The Value Based Care Program is a test program designed by Medicare to improve the way healthcare is delivered. The goals of this demonstration are to improve quality of care and outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries while providing a savings for our patients, providers, and the Medicare program, and to improve decision making for beneficiaries and increased cooperation among providers.

This demonstration provides an opportunity for Medicare to share savings achieved through the demonstration with patients who, based on quality and cost, choose to receive care from participating demonstration providers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) will share up to 50% of the Medicare savings in the form of payments to beneficiaries, not to exceed their Part B premium amount.

The exact amount of the shared savings payment will vary by site and procedure. Medicare will send the shared savings payment directly to qualified beneficiaries approximately 90 days after they are discharged from the hospital. (Those Medicare beneficiaries who are receiving Medicaid benefits are not eligible to receive shared savings payments.)

Incentive payments may be taxable and beneficiaries are responsible for paying any Federal, State or other taxes owed on the shared savings payments.

Eligible for Shared Savings Payment

  • Those who hold Medicare coverage.
  • Those who have BOTH Part A and Part B coverage.

Not Eligible for Shared Savings Payment

  • Those who have a Medicare Replacement plan (I.E. Generations, etc.).
  • Those who do not have BOTH Part A and Part B coverage.
  • Those who have BOTH Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

The Orthopaedic Center Value Based Providers

Click Here for more information.

USA Today Article


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